قالب:Infobox Russian federal subject
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[تعديل]- Important: Please enter all numeric values in a raw, unformatted fashion; i.e. no commas or spaces. Numeric values that are not "raw" may create an "Expression error". Raw values will be automatically formatted by the template. If you find a raw value is not formatted in your usage of the template, please post a notice on the discussion page for this template.
[تعديل]{{Infobox Russian federal subject |en_name=Name in English |ru_name=Name in Russian |loc_name1=Name in another official language of the federal subject |loc_name2=... |loc_name3=... |loc_name4=... |loc_name5=... |loc_name6=... |loc_name7=... |loc_name8=... |loc_name9=... |loc_name10=... |loc_name11=... |loc_name12=... |loc_name13=... |loc_lang1=Name of the language in which loc_name1 is given |loc_lang2=... |loc_lang3=... |loc_lang4=... |loc_lang5=... |loc_lang6=... |loc_lang7=... |loc_lang8=... |loc_lang9=... |loc_lang10=... |loc_lang11=... |loc_lang12=... |loc_lang13=... |image_map=Name of the locator map image |map_caption=Map caption |latd=Federal subject's latitude, degrees |latm=Federal subject's latitude, minutes (omit if only degrees are known) |longd=Federal subject's longitude, degrees |longm=Federal subject's longitude, minutes (omit if only degrees are known) |image_coa=Name of the coat of arms image |coa_caption=Coat of arms link/description |image_flag=Name of the flag image |flag_caption=Flag link/description |anthem=Anthem link/name |anthem_ref=Reference for the anthem; use "<ref></ref>" |holiday=Date of the federal subject's official holiday |holiday_ref=Reference for the holiday; use "<ref></ref>" <!--POLITICAL STATUS--> |political_status=Republic/Oblast/Krai/Autonomous oblast/Autonomous okrug/Federal city |political_status_link=Link to the article about the federal subject type ("republics of Russia", "krais of Russia", etc.) |federal_district=Name of the federal district to which the federal subject belongs |economic_region=Name of the economic region to which the federal subject belongs |adm_ctr_type="Capital" for the republics; "administrative center" otherwise. "Administrative center" is the default value |adm_ctr_name=Linked name of the capital/administrative center |adm_ctr_name_ref=Reference for the administrative center name; use "<ref></ref>" |official_lang_list=List of official languages of the federal subject. No need to specify "Russian", as it is official on the whole territory of Russia. An entry for "Russian" is generated automatically, and this field can be skipped if Russian is the only official language. |official_lang_ref=Reference for the list of official languages (if specified). If only Russian is official, this field can be skipped. <!--STATS--> |pop_2010census=Population of the federal subject per the 2010 Census preliminary results |pop_2010census_rank=Population rank of the federal subject among all federal subjects (as of the 2010 Census) |urban_pop_2010census=Proportion of the urban population (%) as of the 2010 Census |rural_pop_2010census=Proportion of the rural population (%) as of the 2010 Census |pop_density=The value of population density is calculated automatically if area_km2 and pop_2010census are supplied. However, it is possible to overwrite the automatically calculated value by using this parameter. Use no spaces of commas. |pop_density_as_of=Date as of which the manually supplied population density information is given |pop_density_ref=Reference for the manually supplied population density value; use "<ref></ref>" |pop_latest=Most recent available population estimate. Use no spaces or commas. |pop_latest_date=Date as of which the population estimate is given; will display as "(as of?)" if no value is given. |pop_latest_ref=Reference for the latest population estimate; use "<ref></ref>" |area_km2=Area of the federal subject in square kilometers |area_km2_rank=Area rank of the federal subject among all federal subjects |area_km2_ref=Area information taken from the Census results is automatically referenced. This field can be used to override with a different reference. Use "<ref></ref>" |established_date=Date on which the federal subject was officially established |established_date_ref=Reference for this date; use "<ref></ref>" |prev_name1..5=Previous name of the federal subject |prev_name1..5_date=Date on which the name changed |prev_name1..5_ref=Reference for these dates; use "<ref></ref>" |license_plates=List of license plate codes assigned to the federal subject |ISO=ISO 3166-2:RU code of the federal subject <!--GOVERNMENT--> |gov_as_of=Date as of which the data in the Government section (below) is current |leader_title=Title of the head of executive power in the federal subject |leader_title_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>" |leader_name=Name of the head of executive power in the federal subject |leader_name_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>" |legislature=Name of the legislative body of the federal subject |legislature_ref=Reference for the above; use "<ref></ref>" |basic_law_type=Type of the Basic Law of the federal subject (Constitution or Charter) |basic_law_title=Title of the Basic Law |website=Link to the official website of the federal subject (in English, if one exists) |website_ref=Reference for the website (optional); use "<ref></ref>" |date=Month and year on which the infobox is being filled out; use "March 2010" format. }}
Copy-paste model
[تعديل]{{Infobox Russian federal subject |en_name |ru_name |loc_name1 |loc_lang1 |image_map |latd |latm |longd |longm |image_coa |coa_caption |image_flag |flag_caption |anthem |anthem_ref |holiday |holiday_ref <!--POLITICAL STATUS--> |political_status |political_status_link |federal_district |economic_region |adm_ctr_type |adm_ctr_name |adm_ctr_name_ref |official_lang_list |official_lang_ref <!--STATS--> |pop_2010census |pop_2010census_rank |urban_2010pop_census |rural_2010pop_census |pop_2010census_ref |pop_density |pop_density_as_of |pop_density_ref |pop_latest |pop_latest_date |pop_latest_ref |area_km2 |area_km2_rank |established_date |established_date_ref |prev_name1 |prev_name1_date |prev_name1_ref |license_plates |ISO <!--GOVERNMENT--> |gov_as_of |leader_title |leader_title_ref |leader_name |leader_name_ref |legislature |legislature_ref |basic_law_type |basic_law_title |website |website_ref |date={{subst:#time:F Y}} }}
[تعديل]علامات اتش تى ام ال التي ينتجها هذا القالب تتضمن صيغ خطأ: الوظيفة "get" غير موجودة. المصغرة، مما يمكن الحواسيب من تجزئة أسماء الأماكن والمواضع. هذا يفيد في عنوان المكان إلى دفتر عناوين مثلا. ضمن صيغة إتش كرد توجد صيغة جيو التي تمكن من تجزئة الإحداثيات. وذلك يفيد في البحث عن المكان في خريطة مثلا.
قوالب فرعية
[تعديل]- إذا كان للمكان تاريخ تأسيس أو افتتاح أو ما شابه، استعمل {{تاريخ بداية}}
- إذا كان له يو آر إل، استعمل {{مسار}}
- إذا كان أحد هذين القالبين مستعملا في موضع ما فلا تحذف بأي حال
[تعديل]- إتش كرد تستعمل أصنافا للغة تعليم النص الفائق منها
- adr
- agent
- category
- county-name
- extended-address
- fn
- label
- locality
- nickname
- note
- org
- region
- street-address
- url
- vcard
- جيو تستعمل {{إحداث}} وأصنافا منها
- geo
- latitude
- longitude
[تعديل]- عند إعطاء الإحداثيات، كلما كان المكان صغيرا وجب زيادة دقة الإحداثيات
- لا تستعمل وسيط الاسم
في {{إحداث}}
[[تصنيف:قوالب بحقول إحداثيات|Infobox Russian federal subject]]